

Duties and Responsibilities 
The President will be the Chief Executive and Administrative Officer for the Board of Trustees. In addition to the powers and duties that may be specifically imposed upon him/her by statute, he/she will execute directly or by delegation all executive and administrative duties in connection with the conduct of the college. His/her duties and responsibilities will include the following:

  1. Be responsible for the organization and administration of the college.
  2. Make policy recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning all matters that affect the college.
  3. Recommend changes in personnel and personnel policies. Recruit new faculty members and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for appointment.
  4. Submit an annual budget to the Board of Trustees and make any recommendations for budget changes.
  5. Be responsible for initiating a program of training and professional development through in- service activities for all employees.
  6. Have authority to exercise the discretionary power along lines established by the Board of Trustees.
  7. Assume responsibility for establishing and maintaining an adequate public relations program.
  8. Lend influence toward the development of proper local, state, and national educational policies.
  9. Be responsible for the formulation of all reports required by the Board of Trustees and by local, state, and national agencies.
  10. Be responsible for the coordination of the entire college program.
  11. Direct development of the building program for the college.
  12. Recommend to the Board of Trustees changes in site utilization and buildings and grounds.
  13. Recommend establishment of citizen and trade advisory committees by the Board of Trustees when necessary, and assist the Board in proposing names of members to be appointed to such committees.
  14. Initiate the necessary research to facilitate long-range planning and projections and to document information and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
  15. The President of 49ͼ is authorized to pay in advance of approval by the Board of Trustees any claims against said community college that provide for a discount for early payment or for the assessment of a penalty for late payment in advance of approval by the Board of Trustees; the claim shall be audited by the Vice President of Business Affairs and approved as correct, due and unpaid; and the President shall keep an accurate record of all monies paid, the purposes for which expended, and shall submit the record to the Board of Trustees for approval at its next regular meeting.
  16. The Board of Trustees has authorized the President to execute contracts, financial documents, and other official documents necessary for the conduct of the College's business in accordance with the defined perimeters stipulated in the “Business, Management, and Financial” section of the 49ͼ Policy Manual. The Board gives the President the authority to sign any and all documents approved by the board including but not limited to contracts, leases, and any other documents to follow through on board action. [Added March 2019]
  17. Perform other duties assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees.

Policies Manual and Procedure Manual. The President of the college shall continually maintain an updated Policies Manual and Procedure Manual which accurately reflect all current policies approved by the Board of Trustees and all college procedures. He/she will ensure that the updated manuals are circulated to all employees of the college.

Selection, Tenure, Evaluation, Remuneration, Other Service Conditions (K.S.A. 71-201). The term of office of the President shall be determined by the Board of Trustees. Upon the termination of a contract, the Board of Trustees will renew the contract or, if his/her services will not be required for the next succeeding contractual term, will notify the President in writing prior to June 1 in the last year of his/her incumbency. If at any time, in the opinion of the majority of the Board of Trustees, his/her services are unsatisfactory, he/she shall be notified in writing and given an opportunity to correct conditions. The compensation of the President will be fixed by the Board of Trustees at the time he/she is appointed, and the terms thereof will be set forth in the contract for his/her services. The Board of Trustees will review the compensation due the President for the next fiscal year annually by June 1 and make such adjustments as are mutually agreeable.

The board shall adopt an evaluation system that provides a basis for formal evaluation of the President’s performance. The system shall include the evaluation form used and the process necessary to complete the form. The Board shall evaluate the President using the evaluation form in accordance with current legal requirements for the first four years of employment and annually for the term of the President’s employment. The President’s evaluation shall be confidential and be made available only to the Board, the President and others as provided by law. The evaluation instrument shall be on file at the college office with the administrative assistant. Any revisions in the evaluation system shall include input from the President.



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
49ͼ KS 67701
(785) 460-5406