
Alcohol/Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Awareness Program

The college’s Alcohol/Drug-Free Workplace Policy and Awareness Program is designed to enhance the physical health and safety of our employees and students and to provide a safe workplace.  All employees and students are expected to be in suitable mental and physical condition while at work or in a learning environment and to perform their jobs in a satisfactory fashion.

In accordance with this policy, when the use of central nervous system depressant or controlled substances interferes with an employee’s or student’s responsibilities, appropriate disciplinary action, which could include termination or expulsion, will be taken.

49ͼ¿â does not permit or condone the consumption of alcoholic beverages by any individual under the age of 21.  As a general rule, no alcoholic beverage will be sold, serviced or consumed on College property.  All laws, local, state, and federal, concerning the possession or use of illegal drugs by any student, faculty or staff member will be strictly enforced on the campus and at any event sponsored by the college.

The Board of Trustees may, by resolution adopted from time to time, authorize the consumption of alcoholic liquor and beverages in specified property which is under the control of the board and which is not used for classroom instruction pursuant to K.S.A. 41-719(h). [Revised November, 2007]

Information on local, state, and federal ordinances and statutes will be maintained in the Office of Student Services and will be available to students and employees.  Students and employees are encouraged to obtain copies of the information.

All student violations of this policy will be handled on an individual basis affording each student the right to due process.  Procedures of this process are described in the student handbook which may be accessed on the 49ͼ¿â website.  Sanctions which may be imposed include reprimand, probation, suspension, or expulsion.  

It is the college’s belief that all disciplinary sanctions should provide the opportunity for personal growth; to that end, counseling and referral for individual assessment may be included as a condition of any sanction.


[Revised April 2014]
[Reviewed September 2020]
[Revised October 2023