

The following Kansas Statutes Annotated (K.S.A.) and Kansas Administration Regulations (K.A.R.) are applicable to reimbursement of travel expenses:

K.S.A. 8-301 Publicly Owned Motor Vehicles
K.S.A. 75-3072 Authorized Uses of Agency Impress Funds
K.S.A. 75-3201 et seq. Compensation and Allowances of Public Officers and Employees
K.S.A. 75-4601 et seq. State Vehicles
K.A.R. 1-16-1 et seq. Travel Reimbursement
K.A.R. 1-17-1 et seq. Use of State-Owned or Operated Motor Vehicles on Official College Business
K.A.R. 1-18-1a Maximum Allowance for Use of a Privately Owned Conveyance for Public Purposes


Domicile: The place an employee adopts as the employee’s place of habitation and has the intention of returning to when absent.

Employee: A person employed by 49ͼ¿â and required to travel on official college business.

High-Cost Geographic Area: An out-of-state city, town, or area, where subsistence expenses incurred are reimbursed at higher rates than normal rates due to higher subsistence costs associated with the city, town, or area. (Reference: K.A.R. 1-16-18a).

In-State Travel: Travel within the borders of the State of Kansas.

Out-of-State: Travel to the other forty-nine states and the District of Colombia.

International Travel: Travel outside the fifty states and the District of Colombia.

Lodging Establishment:  An establishment in the business of providing lodging to the general public.

Privately Owned or Operated Conveyances: Motor vehicles or other privately owned conveyances including, but not limited to, automobiles (passenger cars, station wagons, trucks, vans, etc.), motorcycles, and other similarly privately conveyances.

Subsistence Expense: All charges for meals and lodging.


All in-state or out-of-state travel by employees should be authorized prior to travel. 49ͼ¿â (49ͼ¿â) will reimburse reasonable and ordinary travel expenses deemed necessary by the Administration for the conduct, support and activities of the college mission. Funds will not be used to support activities or positions that are not aligned to the policy or mission or that are considered by the Department Head/VP, President or Vice President of Business Affairs as not being in the best interests of the college or within the scope of reasonableness.  Reimbursement requests must be presented on the Travel Expense Reimbursement Request form. Detailed written receipts from the vendor must be submitted for all travel expenditures. Any electronic travel assistant documentation is allowable for driving documentation along with travel receipts.

Safe Operation of College-Owned or Operated Vehicles by Employees
Employees operating a privately owned or college-owned or leased conveyance are responsible for operating the vehicle in a safe and prudent manner and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local traffic laws. Fines assessed for traffic citations or other violations of applicable traffic law are the responsibility of the employee and are not reimbursable.

Requirements for Reporting Accidents
If an accident occurs involving a privately owned or college-owned or leased motor vehicle being used for official college business report to Human Resources (for possible worker's compensation claim), and the college Fleet Department (college vehicle Inventory needs to be adjusted accordingly).

Requirements for Reporting Breakdowns
If a breakdown occurs involving any college-owned motor vehicle being used for official college business refer to the trip ticket provided when checking out a vehicle.

Reimbursable Transportation Expenses
The college discourages the use of privately-owned conveyances on official college business whenever possible. Employees may be reimbursed for transportation expenses incurred for authorized travel by privately owned or operated conveyances, (commercial air flights, trains, buses, etc.), and, in some cases, rental. Local transportation expenses such as city bus and taxicab fares are considered miscellaneous expenses and are discussed in the Miscellaneous Expenses section.

Non-Reimbursable Transportation Expenses
Transportation expenses incurred by employees are not reimbursable in the following situations:

  1. Additional transportation expenses incurred as a result of an employee residing in a city or town outside the employee’s official station or otherwise incurred because of an employee’s choice of residence are not reimbursable.
  2. Transportation expenses incurred commuting between an employee’s official station and domicile are not reimbursable.


Travelers are encouraged to book flights at least 14-30 days in advance to avoid premium airfare pricing.  Travelers are encouraged to purchase tickets on Tuesdays for best pricing. This will be monitored by the direct supervisor. Air travel booked using frequent flyer miles will not be reimbursed.

Class of Service
All individuals traveling on 49ͼ¿â business must travel in coach class unless using a free upgrade, or purchase an upgrade personally. 

Baggage Fees
Baggage fees will be reimbursed for baggage that is appropriate for the purpose and length of the trip. Reimbursement for baggage that is personal in nature (e.g. golf clubs for a business trip) is not allowable.

Rebooking Fees
Rebooking or change fees will be reimbursed for extenuating circumstances only.

Airport Travel and Lodging
One day drive time will be allowed each way.  Meals and lodging reimbursement will be limited to one day each way except during inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances.

Most Economical or Advantageous Mode of Transportation
When an employee knows he/she is taking a business trip, the employee must reach out to Fleet via a vehicle request form.  If a 49ͼ¿â vehicle is available, Fleet will send a confirmation email to the employee.   If a vehicle is not available, the employee may use his/her personal vehicle. In lieu of airline travel, the mileage reimbursement shall not exceed the entire cost of the air-travel option (e.g. total mileage reimbursement, airport parking, airfare and rental car) and justified with appropriate documentation/rationale.


Mileage Reimbursement for Use of a Privately Owned or Operated Conveyance                                                        

Mileage reimbursement rates. In order to obtain full mileage reimbursement for use of personal vehicle and if a 49ͼ¿â vehicle is not available, a reservation must have been requested at least 14 days prior to the date of travel. (This rule can be exempted with approval of supervising Vice President).  Employees are authorized by privately owned or operated conveyance may be reimbursed for allowable miles traveled at a fixed rate. Privately owned or operated conveyances include automobiles (passenger cares, station wagons, trucks, vans, etc.), motorcycles, and other similar privately owned conveyances.

Mileage reimbursement is made at the current IRS rates.

These reimbursement rates are considered to cover all costs associated with the use of the privately owned conveyance. This includes, but is not limited to: gasoline, oil, tires, repairs, insurance (including uninsured losses, and insurance deductibles resulting from damage to the privately-owned conveyance), license fees, depreciation costs, and expenses of any type.

Exceptions to the mileage reimbursement rates. Exceptions to the above mileage reimbursement rates are as follows: When a mode of transportation is available and less costly than transportation by privately owned conveyance, mileage reimbursement is limited to the cost of the mode of transportation.

If a 49ͼ¿â vehicle is available, yet employee insists on taking his/her own vehicle due to personal and/or medical reasons, permission of their immediate supervisor is required and the rate of reimbursement will be limited to .19 per mile.  This rate may change annually per the IRS standard mileage rates.    

Calculation of mileage. Travel by privately owned or operated conveyance is deemed to be by the usually traveled, most direct route.


Additional Reimbursable Expenses When Using a Privately Owned or Operated Conveyance
The following expenses incurred as the result of using a privately owned or operated conveyance are also reimbursable:

  1. Parking fees when on an official trip.
  2. Tolls paid for toll roads and toll bridges.

Rental Car Expenses
Use of a rental car while on college business requires prior approval from the Vice President of Business Affairs or the President in consultation with the department head. Cost and vehicle size will be reasonable for the intended purpose of the rental. College credit card must be used for car rentals so insurance is provided through the card.

Reimbursable Subsistence Expenses
Employees may be reimbursed for subsistence expense incurred when sleeping away from their domicile on official college business is required. The subsistence reimbursement consists of meal allowances and actual lodging expense incurred with prescribed limitations. The meal reimbursement is determined by a per-meal allowance rate for breakfast, lunch or dinner, as identified below.

Meal Expense Reimbursement

Meal expense determination. Employees may be reimbursed for meal expense while in travel status. The allowed meals are based on the time in which the employee is in travel status. Meal allowances on the day of the departure are reimbursed as follows:

12:01 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.    breakfast, lunch, and dinner
6:01 A.M. – 12:00 Noon   lunch and dinner
12:01 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.    dinner
6:01 P.M. – Midnight   no meals allowed


12:01 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.    no meals allowedbreakfast, lunch, and dinner
6:01 A.M. – 12:00 Noon   breakfast
12:01 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.    breakfast and lunch
6:01 P.M. – Midnight   breakfast, lunch, and dinner


Unless a reduction is made for provided meals, employees are reimbursed for all three meals on days in which travel status between the departure and returning days. Meals on the day in which the employee returns to the official station or domicile are reimbursed according to the 49ͼ¿â travel allowance.

Employees may choose to accept a per diem in lieu of submitting receipts.

Lodging Expense Reimbursement
Reasonable and customary expenses will be reimbursed. Itemized receipts are required for reimbursement.

Non-Reimbursable Subsistence Expenses
Subsistence expenses incurred by employees are not reimbursable in the following situations:

  • Subsistence expenses incurred as a result of an employee residing in a city or town outside the employee’s official station or otherwise incurred because of an employee’s choice of residence are not reimbursable.
  • No subsistence expense may be reimbursed to the employee when the subsistence is furnished at no cost to the employee by any organization.


Reimbursable Miscellaneous Expenses
Employees may be reimbursed for miscellaneous expenses incurred during travel such as local transportation fares, purchase of supplies, registration fees, and other similar miscellaneous expenses identified below. Receipts evidencing each miscellaneous expenditure should be submitted with the travel expense report, except no receipts are required for: local transportation charges, unattended parking meters, and unattended toll booths.

[Adopted June 2015]
[Updated September 2020]



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
49ͼ¿â KS 67701
(785) 460-5406