
Publication and Logo Use

The Public Relations Office is assigned the primary responsibility for overseeing the College’s publications. Publications include those used for recruitment of new students, those sent to the College’s various constituents as a medium for communicating official College information, and those deemed “image” publications that enhance recognition and understanding of the College.


  1. All publications should be thoroughly planned. Communication with the Public Relations Office about the scope of the project is recommended. Criteria to consider should include the number of copies needed, the type of paper, graphics, color, printing method, page size, binding, and the overall cost of publication.

  2. All jobs for off-campus printing must be approved by a supervisor. This includes publications funded through grants and those for student organizations. The requester should follow the College purchasing policy.

  3. A draft of the publication should be edited by the requesting department and sent to the Public Relations Office for review.

  4. Once a publication is produced, an electronic copy should be shared with the Public Relations Office to be archived.  

Logo and Branding Standards

Visual materials, in both print and electronic form, convey the identity of the College. The overall goal is to formalize a unified institutional identity consistent with the Mission and Vision. Only approved logos as listed in the institutional style guide should be used on 49ͼ documents, publications, and electronic mediums. The Public Relations Office will not authorize publications that do not comply with the logo guidelines.       


The “Power C” is the official logo for 49ͼ and should be used when there is clear messaging from 49ͼ and for athletics.

Several versions of the 49ͼ logo, horizontal and vertical, are available for different situations and layouts. Do not change or manipulate logo proportions or add any visual effects to the logo.

[Revised October 2022]