
Students With Disabilities

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, 49ͼ shall adhere to all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and guidelines with respect to providing effective communications and modifications as necessary to afford equal access to programs for qualified persons with disabilities and to ensure that no qualified individual shall be, by reason of disability, excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of 49ͼ, or be subjected to discrimination by 49ͼ.

49ͼ is committed to providing equal access to employment, educational programs, and activities for students with disabilities.  The Institution recognizes that students with disabilities may need accommodations to have equally effective opportunities to participate in or benefit from the Institutional educational programs, services and activities.  Conformance to this policy does not negate the responsibility of 49ͼ to ensure that accessible technology and course content complies with applicable accessibility standards.



Disability Services

Students requesting services, resources or accommodations for a disability should contact:

Disability Coordinator at 785-460-5510 or disability@colbycc.edu

Disability Services and the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs serves as the main point of contact on issues related to ADA compliance for all persons involved in providing class instruction at 49ͼ. 

Disability Services is responsible for:

    • Determining effective communications and modifications to provide equal access for students with disabilities.
    • Supervising the timely implementation of accommodations as requested by individual students, primarily through the Accommodation Disability Disclosure, and through other reasonable requests for assistance.
    • Acting as a liaison between students and faculty to promptly and effectively resolve access issues.

Academic Departments and Instructional Staff

Academic departments and instructional staff are responsible for:

    • Providing all accommodations recognized by 49ͼ through the “accommodation disability disclosure” in cooperation with Disability Services.
    • Contacting Disability Services as soon as possible after receiving notification from a student that an accommodation is not being provided completely or correctly, so that a timely and appropriate resolution can be facilitated.

Nonacademic Programs

49ͼ institutional offices and programs are responsible for providing accommodations for nonacademic programs with the assistance of Disability Services.


Students are responsible for the following:

    • Submitting documentation of their disability to Disability Services.
    • Requesting accommodations and signing disability disclosure form to be sent to designated instructors.
    • Updating accommodations through Disability Services, and requesting accommodations each academic semester for which accommodations are needed.



49ͼ will make reasonable modifications to the environment, policy and practice and/or provide auxiliary aids and services when Disability Services determines such modifications are needed for equal access.  Modifications may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Academic Requirements
    Accommodations can include changes in the length of time permitted for completion of degree requirements, substitution of specific courses required for the completion of degree requirements, adaptation of the manner in which specific courses are conducted, and elimination of rules which have the effect of limiting the participation of students with disabilities, such as rules prohibiting use of recorders in classrooms.
  2. Examinations
    Alternative methods for evaluating the achievement of students who have a disability that impairs sensory, manual, or speaking skills that will best assure that the results of evaluation represent the student's achievement in the course, rather than reflecting the disability.
  3. Accessible Classrooms
    49ͼ will move classes that are scheduled in inaccessible rooms to accessible rooms on request if a student has a disability that affects their access and alternative course sections are not a viable option because of schedule conflicts or other reasonable restrictions. Students needing new classroom assignments should contact Disability Services as soon as possible to allow adequate time for classroom changes.
  4. Auxiliary Aids and Adaptive Equipment
    Auxiliary aids include services, equipment, and procedures that allow students with disabilities access to learning and activities in and out of the classroom. They include but are not limited to: sign language interpreters, real time captioning services, adaptive technology, alternative media, exam accommodations, etc. Students requesting adaptive equipment or sign language interpreters must request these services in a timely manner (preferably 6 months in advance) giving the Institution time to locate and secure resources being requested.


Appeal and Complaint Procedures

If a student believes an accommodation or adjustment has not been appropriately determined or reasonable accommodations have not been provided, the student has the right to appeal the determination or provision to the Vice President of Student Affairs.



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
49ͼ KS 67701
(785) 460-5406