
Advert Waivers for Staff Positions

While staff will normally be appointed following advertisement of a position, in exceptional circumstances the requirement to advertise a position may be waived by the President. It is expected that the number of such appointments will be limited on an annual basis.

Supervisors who wish to make a request to waive advertising should seek early advice from Human Resources. Requests for waivers of advertising in exceptional circumstances must be based on an argued case.

Approval to waive advertising may be provided where there is evidence that:

  1. The candidate under consideration has unique expertise relevant to the achievement of Departmental and 49ͼ¿â strategic objectives; and,
  2. Advertising the position would deter the candidate from applying for the position or would otherwise put the successful recruitment of the candidate at risk.

In approving requests to waive advertising in the above circumstances, evidence that such circumstances exist will need to be provided with the request. Evidence will also need to be provided that equality and diversity implications of the proposed appointment have been explicitly considered. Where a waiver of advertisement is approved, all other aspects of the 49ͼ¿â Recruitment and Selection policy apply and candidates must be considered by a selection committee. Approved requests to waive advertising must be copied to the Director of Human Resources in order to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of this policy.

The Director of Human Resources will keep a register of requests and approved requests to waive advertising including relevant demographic details of the appointed candidates.


 [Added August 2017]
[Reviewed April 2021]



Human Resources
1255 S Range Ave
49ͼ¿â KS 67701
(785) 460-5406