
Board Minutes
  Board meetings are held the third Monday of each month. Minutes are available below. 


2024 2023 2022
Jan. 22: Monthly Jan. 23: Monthly January 24: Monthly
Feb. 19: Monthly Feb. 20: Monthly February 21: Monthly
March 18: Monthly March 20: Monthly March 21: Monthly
April 22: Monthly April 17: Monthly April 18: Monthly
May 20: Monthly April 21: Special April 27: Special
June 17: Monthly May 15: Monthly May 16: Regular
July 15: Monthly June 19: Monthly June 20: Regular
Aug. 19: Regular and Budget July 17: Monthly July 18: Regular
  Aug. 21: Regular and Budget August 22: Regular and Budget
  Sept. 18: Regular September 19: Regular
  Oct. 16: Regular October 17: Regular
  Nov. 20: Regular November 14: Regular
  Dec 18: Regular December 12: Regular


Minutes from previous years are available by contacting publicinfo@colbycc.edu


  1. Individuals wishing to address the 49ͼ¿â Board of Trustees shall
    formally advise the President of their intention, prior to the beginning of the meeting,
    by providing their name and the agenda item topic they plan on addressing.

  2. The Chair may recognize individual(s) to address the Board of Trustees after the
    Members have discussed the agenda item, but prior to a vote on the motion.

  3. There shall be a Public Comments/Other Items time on each Board agenda. During
    this Public Comments/Other Items time, members of the public will be able to
    address the Board on non-agenda items. The Board will not take any action on
    concerns or requests made during this time. Public comments will conform to the
    delivery guidelines below:

      1. Each speaker is limited to three minutes presentation time;
      2. Written information may be submitted;
      3. Individual(s) wishing to speak, will identify themselves and state whether or not
        they represent an opinion of a group or of themselves; and
      4. Information or comments related to 49ͼ¿â’s non-elected
        personal may be referred to an Executive Session.