

Business: Leadership
Associate of Science

Business Management and Administration offers a two-year degree with a one-year certificate in Accounting/Management. The student completes a business core to develop a general knowledge of business and professional practices. The Associate of Applied Science degree provides the education necessary to enter the job market above the entry-level.

Related Employment Fields
Bookkeeping, Accounting Assistant, Payroll Administration, Financial Analysis, Office Manager, Small Business Management, Financial Services, Nonprofit Organizations.

After 49ͼ¿â

It's important to note that while a certificate in accounting/ management can provide a foundation for entry-level positions, higher-level roles may require further education or professional certifications such as a bachelor's degree in accounting or relevant professional designations (e.g., Certified Public Accountant - CPA). Additionally, gaining practical experience through internships or volunteer opportunities can enhance your prospects in the job market.

Total Hours: 61


Course Sequence

FY100 First Year Experience 1
EN176 English Composition I (SGE)010 3
MA178 College Algebra (SGE)030 3
BU131 Principles of Leadership 3
CO176 Computer Concepts and Applications 3
B   3
  TOTAL 16

EN177 English Composition II (SGE)010 3
BU178 Introduction to Business 3
PI276 Introduction to Ethics (SGE)060 3
MA205 Elements of Statistics (SGE)030 3
BU141 Leading Organizational Change 3
  TOTAL 15

BU212 Business Communications 3
  Science Gen. Ed (SGE)040 3
  Social/Behavioral Science Gen. Ed (SGE)050 3
  Approved Business Elective 3
  Approved Business Elective 3
  TOTAL 15

BU217 The Legal Environment of Business 3
  Oral Communication Gen. Ed. (SGE)020 3
PE177 Personal & Community Health (SGE)070 3
  Social/Behavioral Science Gen. Ed (SGE)050 3
  TOTAL 15


Course # Course Title Credits
AC101 Accounting Fundamentals 3 Credits
AC177 Accounting I 3 Credits
AC178 Accounting II 3 Credits
AC257 Managerial Accounting 3 Credits
BU131 Principles of Leadership 3 Credits
BU141 Leading Organizational Change 3 Credits
BU175 Personal Finance 3 Credits
BU178 Intro to Business 3 Credits
BU212 Business Communications 3 Credits
BU217 Legal Environment of Business 3 Credits
CO176 Int Comp Cncpts&Apps 3 Credits
EC276 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits
EC277 Principles Microeconomics 3 Credits
EN176 English Composition I 3 Credits
EN177 English Composition II 3 Credits
FY100 First Year Experience 1 Credits
MA178 College Algebra 3 Credits
MA205 Elements of Statistics 3 Credits
PE177 Personal & Community Health 3 Credits
PI276 Introduction to Ethics 3 Credits
SP176 Public Speaking 3 Credits

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key
010 English (6 hours)
020 Communications (3 hours)
030 Math & Statistics (3 hours)
040 Natural & Physical Sciences (4-5 hours)
050 Social & Behavioral Sciences (6 hours)
060 Arts & Humanities (6 hours)
070 49ͼ¿â CC Designated (6 hours)