
Course Descriptions


Course # Course Title Credits
EN076 Fundamentals of Reading and Writing 3 Credits

This course is for students who test into it through Accuplacer, ACT, or SAT. This course is designed to prepare students for the demands of college level reading and writing through emphasis on basic organization, sentence skills, and reflection. This course does not fullfill graduation requirements.

EN107 Creative Writing 3 Credits

This course will enable the student to use an imaginative and satisfying form of self-expression and will help the student prepare work for publication. The student explores the writing of poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction.

EN176 English Composition I 3 Credits

Prerequisite: Appropriate ACT, SATT, or ACCUPLACER score or successful completion of EN076/Fundamentals of Reading and Writing with a "C" or better if test scores warranted. Reading and writing skills are necessary throughout your life and important to the success of your college classes and professional career. Good written communication skills allow others to read and understand you. In this class, you will write a variety of papers ranging from personal to source-based essays and will learn how to organize your thoughts and find, state, and support main ideas. In addition, you will learn how to properly credit your sources.

EN177 English Composition II 3 Credits

Prerequisite: EN176/English Composition I with a "C" or better. Any academic field of study requires research; English Composition II is designed to teach you how to find and use quality sources in your research. In this course, you will write a variety of source-based papers and will learn how to present logical arguments. You will also learn how to combine your words with quoted material and how to properly document a variety of sources.

EN202 American Literature I 3 Credits

This course enables the student to read and examine American literature up to the Civil War. The student studies representative works in nonfiction, prose, and poetry with emphasis placed upon those writers whose works still affect and illustrate modern American thought.

EN203 American Literature II 3 Credits

This course enables the student to survey American literature from the Civil War to the present. The student studies representative works in prose and poetry with emphasis placed upon those writers whose works still affect and illustrate modern American thought.

EN219 Introduction to Literature 3 Credits

The goal of Introduction to Literature is to expose you to different styles of literature. Being well-read will help you build better communication skills and comprehend varying forms of expression. In this class, you will read several short stories, plays, and poems. You will play investigator searching for the author's meanings behind the words using your reactions to better understand human nature.

EN222 World Literature 3 Credits

The goal of this class is to expose you to literature from around the world. This will help you better understand different cultures and prepare you to live in our global society. In this class, you will read short stories, plays, and poems. You will discover not only the differences in cultures but also the similarities we humans share regardless of where we come from.

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