
Course Descriptions


Course # Course Title Credits
BU131 Principles of Leadership 3 Credits

This course will enable the student to focus on the process of influencing individuals and groups toward organizational goals including such topics as the evolution of leadership, leadership effectiveness, and situational leadership. The student will explore literature that defines leadership as setting and maintaining direction for an organization. Persons who lead do so with a vision and a purpose.

BU141 Leading Organizational Change 3 Credits

This course will enable the student to develop the fundamental areas necessary to lead effective individual, team, and organizational change. The student will explore change as a vital component for the 21st century individual and organization.

BU175 Personal Finance 3 Credits

Money tends to manage the lives of most individuals. We will work to reverse this condition by learning how we can manage our money toward accomplishing our personal short-and long-term life goals. Through both direct personal application and theoretical scenarios, you will come to understand the changing function of money as a tool in the different phases of life. In the end, you will be endowed with greater financial clarity in an increasingly uncertain world.

BU176 Personal Finance 1 Credits

You will gain an overview of financial planning with an emphasis on budgeting, managing credit, debt management, and making purchasing decisions. This course is designed for non-business majors.

BU178 Intro to Business 3 Credits

Want to major in business but not sure in which area of business your concentration should be? Want to start a business but not sure how to write a business plan? In this class, you will explore basic areas of business including global markets, business ethics, economic challenges, communication, ownership, E-business, management, leadership, human resources, marketing, technology, accounting, and finance. Putting it all together, you will create a business plan for your choice of business.

BU179 eCommerce-Marketing on the Internet 3 Credits

This course studies the concepts of eCommerce and the promotion of a business on the Internet. Web page design and the techniques needed to create an effective web page will be emphasized. Internet marketing techniques such as blogging, newsgroups, and search engine optimization will be explored. Home based internet and e-bay businesses will be analyzed.

BU212 Business Communications 3 Credits

No matter what career into which you want to go, this class will benefit you. Communication is essential in every aspect of life, especially the business environment. In this class we will walk through all aspects of the communication cycle including analyzing your audience, preparing the message, choosing the appropriate channel, and providing feedback. You will compose various business messages including letters, a report, presentation, resume, and cover letter.

BU217 Legal Environment of Business 3 Credits

This course enables the student to receive an overview of the legal system including civil law, criminal law, and the legal environment. The student receives an overview of the court system and how it affects and regulates business. The student reviews current cases and learns to apply a critical thinking approach to the legal system. The student gains knowledge about dispute resolution, white collar crime, ethical responsibility, lease and contract law including the UCC, torts, product liability, and property relationship, including bankruptcy and consumer protection.

BU221 Human Resource Management 3 Credits

Do you like working with people? People are the biggest resource a business has. Human Resource Management is the management of people in a business to accomplish the business's objectives. As the first point of contact, a human resource manager must understand the company culture, how to motivate employees, and manage conflict, in addition to the interview and hiring process. You will develop a personal development plan, conduct an interview, and much more.

BU222 Customer Service 3 Credits

Customer service is a buzzword in the corporate world. You will explore strategies to handle angry customers, different generations, earn customer loyalty, write win-back messages, the requirements of internal and external customers, the enhancement of customer relationships, the significance of market research, and the design and redesign of customer service strategies.

BU225 Marketing 3 Credits

Marketing is all around us. We are constantly being marketed to, so let us take a look at the marketing concept and the reasoning behind all of the adds with which we are bombarded daily. This class looks at marketing from the business perspective as well as the consumer's perspective.You will examine the consumer decision-making process, marketing research, market segmentation, target markets, the marketing mix, ethical obligations of marketers, and more. You will create an advertisement, conduct marketing research on a business of your choice, and gain knowledge of the tactics marketers use to connect with their target market.

BU237 Principles of Management 3 Credits

Do you want to develop your management skills? You will practice teamwork, leadership, motivation, and the basic management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling through class activities and a final team project. You will also explore current management topics such as globalization, diversity, ethics, social responsibility, quality, productivity, and participative management and will see how you fit into management techniques and philosophies.

BU241 Management of Small Business 3 Credits

Managing a small business is a lot of work. This course is jam-packed with information about running a small business. You will explore the planning and organization of a business, marketing goods and services, managing and operating a business, and planning for the financial aspects of a small business. You will create your own business plan with the information discussed in class.

BU244 Retail Management 3 Credits

Retail stores have become part of our day-to-day lives, but have you ever thought about what it takes to manage a retail store? You will learn about the importance of retail, types of retailing, internet retailing, choosing a retail site location, buying and pricing merchandise, and customer relationship management. You will observe and evaluate a store's layout, design, and visual merchandising techniques while assessing a retail company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and financial returns.

BU245 Principles of Selling 3 Credits

Do you want to learn some selling tactics? Principles of Selling focuses on personal selling, from prospecting to sales dialogue, handling objections, making the presentation, closing the deal, and follow-up. You will prepare and present a sales presentation and will learn how to build quality, mutual relationships to accomplish sales goals.

BU253 Business Finance 3 Credits

This course enables the student to develop skill in the mathematics of business and finance that provides the necessary foundation for a student interested in business careers. The student applies business math/finance concepts including fractions, pecentages, bank services, payroll, taxes, insurance, purchasing merchandise, markup and markdown, interest, consumer credit and morgages, metrics and currency, invoicing, depreciation, amortization and present value/future value.

BU281 Effective Time Management 1 Credits

Most people struggle with time management. Juggling various responsibilities and tasks can be difficult. You will be able to recognize time-wasters, realize how you are spending your time, set goals, and prioritze.

BU282 Cyber Security 3 Credits

This course will enable the student to have an introductory understanding of computer and Internet threats and response. The student will explore the importance of sound security policies in organizational management as well as in security design methodology associated with hardware, software, operating systems and networks.

BU298 Seminar in Business 3 Credits

Are you ready for the workforce? Seminar in Business is the capstone course for our bisiness management and administration degree. This course will prepare you to take on the workforce with confidence. You will complete a research project, create an e-portfolio, write a resume and cover letter, along with various employment documents related to your career goals.

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