

Physical Science
Associate of Science

Students pursuing an emphasis of study within Physical Science will be exposed to various subjects within math and science to help satisfy requirements to teach in the secondary schools of Kansas in chemistry, earth/space science, physics, and science grades 5-8. Students are ready to transfer to a university or to enter the workforce with knowledge focused on applying critical problem-solving skills and the ability to interpret and analyze data. In Kansas, students are required to complete licensures in two of the areas (chemistry, earth/space science, physics) or one of these plus an additional licensure area (Math or biology, for example) if going into an educational field.

Related Employment Fields
Career opportunities include science instructor, accelerator operator, applications engineer, data analyst, design engineer, IT consultant, or lab technician.

After 49ͼ¿â
Students transfer to a four-year university.




Course Sequence

FY100 First Year Experience 1
EN176 English Composition I (SGE)010 3
MA178 College Algebra (SGE)030 3
  Social/Behavioral Science Gen. Ed (SGE)050 3
CH177 Chemistry I w/Lab (SGE)040 5
  TOTAL 15

EN177 English Composition II (SGE)010 3
  Humanities Gen. Ed Course (SGE)060 3
CH178 Chemistry II w/Lab (SGE)040 5
MA185 Plane Trigonometry (SGE)030 3
  Physical Education Gen. Ed. (SGE)070 1-3
  TOTAL 17

PH207 General Physics I w/Lab (SGE)040 5
PH177 Introduction to Geology w/Lab (SGE)040 5
  Humanities Gen. Ed Course (SGE)060 3
MA205 Elements of Statistics (SGE)030 3
  TOTAL 16

PH227 General Physics II w/Lab (SGE)040 5
PH180 Descriptive Astronomy w/Lab 4
EC276 Principles of Macroeconomics (SGE)050 3
  Oral Communication Gen. Ed. (SGE)020 3
  TOTAL 15


Course # Course Title Credits
EN176 English Composition I 3 Credits
EN177 English Composition II 3 Credits
PE177 Personal & Community Health 3 Credits
CH177 Chemistry I w/Lab 5 Credits
CH178 Chemistry II w/Lab 5 Credits
EC276 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits
FY100 First Year Experience 1 Credits
MA178 College Algebra 3 Credits
MA185 Plane Trigonometry 3 Credits
MA205 Elements of Statistics 3 Credits
PH180 Descriptive Astronomy w/Lab 4 Credits
PH207 College Physics I w/Lab 5 Credits
PH227 General Physics II w/Lab 5 Credits
SP176 Public Speaking 3 Credits

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key
010 English (6 hours)
020 Communications (3 hours)
030 Math & Statistics (3 hours)
040 Natural & Physical Sciences (4-5 hours)
050 Social & Behavioral Sciences (6 hours)
060 Arts & Humanities (6 hours)
070 49ͼ¿â CC Designated (6 hours)