

Animal Science: Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Associate of Science

The Associate of Science in Animal Science for Pre-Veterinary Medicine is designed for the student planning with the intent of transferring and obtaining a bachelor's degree at a four-year university in a variety of pre-professional areas. The curriculum may be adapted to meet the requirements of the transfer institutions.

Related Employment Fields
Livestock Production, Animal Nutrition, Veterinary Support, Animal Research, Animal Health and Pharmaceuticals, Animal Welfare and Nonprofit Organizations, Agricultural Extension and Education

After 49ͼ¿â
Students transfer to a university bachelor's degree program.

*Please work with an advisor to see the full Agriculture Elective Course Option List.



Course Sequence

AG101 Agriculture Orientation 1
EN176 English Composition I (SGE)010 3
MA178 College Algebra (SGE)030 3
CH177 Chemistry I w/Lab (SGE)040 5
AG149 Principles of Animal Science 3
AG150 Principles of Animal Science Laboratory 1
  Humanities Gen. Ed. (SGE)060 3
  TOTAL 19

EN177 English Composition II (SGE)010 3
SP176 Public Speaking (SGE)020 3
CH178 Chemistry II w/Lab (SGE)040 5
EC276 Principles of Macroeconomics (SGE)050 3
MA185 Plane Trigonometry (SGE)030 OR Recommended Elective 3
  TOTAL 17

BI177 Biology I w/Lab (SGE) 040 5
PH207 General Physics I w/Lab (SGE)040 5
HI176 OR

American History to 1865 OR
1865 to Present (SGE) 060

AG126 Principles of Livestock Nutrition 3
  Recommended Elective OR
Recommended Equine Elective
  TOTAL 17

BI280 Principles of Microbiology w/Lab (SGE)040 5
PH227 General Physics II w/Lab (SGE)040 5
SO176 Introduction to Sociology (SGE)050 3
EC276 Physical Education Gen. Ed. (SGE)070 1-3
  Recommended Elective 1-3
  TOTAL 16

**MA185 - Plan Trigonometry is a pre-requisite for Physics I - required if a student did not
take Trigonometry in high school.

Course # Course Title Credits
AG101 Agriculture Orientation 1 Credits
AG106 Principles of Agricultural Economics 3 Credits
AG126 Principles of Livestock Nutrition 3 Credits
AG149 Principles of Animal Science 3 Credits
AG150 Principles of Animal Science Laboratory 1 Credits
AG162 Horsemanship for Horse Training III 1 Credits
AG163 Horsemanship for Horse Training I 1 Credits
AG176 Horse Production 3 Credits
AG259 Equine Reproduction 1 Credits
BI177 Biology I w/Lab 5 Credits
BI280 Principles of Microbiology 5 Credits
CH177 Chemistry I w/Lab 5 Credits
CH178 Chemistry II w/Lab 5 Credits
EC276 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits
EN176 English Composition I 3 Credits
EN177 English Composition II 3 Credits
MA178 College Algebra 3 Credits
MA185 Plane Trigonometry 3 Credits
PE177 Personal & Community Health 3 Credits
PH207 College Physics I w/Lab 5 Credits
PH227 General Physics II w/Lab 5 Credits
SO176 Introduction to Sociology 3 Credits
SP106 Interpersonal Communications 3 Credits
SP176 Public Speaking 3 Credits

Systemwide General Education (SGE) Key
010 English (6 hours)
020 Communications (3 hours)
030 Math & Statistics (3 hours)
040 Natural & Physical Sciences (4-5 hours)
050 Social & Behavioral Sciences (6 hours)
060 Arts & Humanities (6 hours)
070 49ͼ¿â CC Designated (6 hours)