
Financial Aid FAQ

Your student financial records are available online 24/7 for your immediate access and review.

How will I know how much to expect to pay in tuition/fees?

Students enrolled before July 15 for fall semester, or December 15 for spring semester, will be billed to their “home” address by the Student Accounts office. 

If a student’s financial aid is complete (with award letter signed, returned and processed) by these dates, their statement will reflect Grants as “anticipated aid”.  (Loans will NOT appear as anticipated aid, funds will be reflected on student’s account when disbursed to 49ͼ.)

If a student is eligible for on-campus scholarship (with award letter/letter of intent signed, returned and processed) by these dates, their statement will reflect scholarship as “anticipated aid”.

All “anticipated aid” is subject to change.

When are my tuition/ fees and room/ board due?

For students with no financial aid or on-campus scholarships—all fees are due by 1st day of class.  These students may set up monthly payments—see “How can I set up monthly payments”.

For students with Financial Aid or On-Campus scholarships— remaining balances after credits are applied are due by October 15 for Fall Semester, or March 15 for Spring Semester.

Can I charge my books to my Financial Aid?

(Only available for on-campus classes at Campus Bookstore) 

Yes, only if ALL of the following apply:

- Your financial aid MUST be complete (award letter signed, returned and processed) by July 15 for Fall Semester, or December 15 for Spring Semester.

- Your anticipated aid exceeds your expected tuition/fees and room/board expenses.  (To charge against expected loan funds, student must file request with Financial Aid and Student Accounts Offices.)

What is the Financial Aid deadline?

The preferred deadline for filing your FAFSA is September 15 (February 15 for Spring only students). Deadline for paperwork is November 30th.  In extreme situations, this is flexible.

What if my Financial Aid is not complete by the first day of class?

You must visit with the Financial Aid and Student Accounts Offices.  Or monthly payments can be set up—see “How can I set up monthly payments?”

When will excess financial aid proceeds be available (aka Student Refunds)?

During Fall and Spring Semesters, excess Financial Aid applied to your student account will be returned to you approximately 3 weeks after Certification Day (20th day of class).  All refunds will be posted on Trojan Web when complete, please look at your most current statement.  This may vary depending on specific student situations such as late enrollment, late completion of Financial Aid, enrollment in late start classes or EDUKAN classes.

How can I set up monthly payments?

You can establish a monthly monthly payment plan through . A $25 one-time per semester charge will be assessed.

What is the 49ͼ Class Drop Policy?  (For On-Campus classes only)

It is the responsibility of the student to check his/her schedule and make any adjustments thru the drop/add procedure.  Students may change schedules on their online Trojan Web account from the beginning of enrollment through the 100% refund date.  After this date students wishing to add or drop a class must complete all of the following steps: 

1.) Go to Student Services office to pick up add/drop form.
2.) Complete, sign and date form.
3.) Secure signature of instructor(s) and advisor.
4.) Return the form to the counter in Student Services.
5.) Courses added after final registration must be paid when add slip is returned.

When is the 100% refund date—“Drop” date?  (For On-Campus classes only)

Fall and Spring Semesters 

- 1st 8-week classes and full semester classes—5th business day after 1st day of semester classes.
- 2nd 8-week classes—5th business day after 1st day of 2nd 8-weeks.
- Weekend workshops and Seminar classes—drop must be submitted before 1st scheduled meeting of session.

Summer Semester
- All Summer Semester classes must be dropped by the 10% point of class’s scheduled meeting.

What is the difference between “Drop” and “Withdrawal” of a class?

Drop - is processed in time for a refund as stated above and class will not show on your Official Transcript. 

Withdrawal - is processed AFTER the 100% Refund Date and class will show as “WP” or “WF” on your Official Transcript.

Get Started Today!

Financial Aid Office
1255 S Range Ave
49ͼ KS 67701
(785) 460-4679
(785) 460-4633