
Course Descriptions


Course # Course Title Credits
ED177 Found of Modern Ed 3 Credits

This course is an introductory course for the students considering teaching as a career. Covered in this course are the historical, philosophical and sociological foundations, and the organization of teaching and learning. Includes a variety of classroom activities. Students examine and develop basic concepts and attitudes toward teaching. Some critical issues of education are examined.

ED199 Problems in Education 3 Credits

This course provides the student the opportunity to explore changing trends and challenges in America's schools and to address current issues affecting education. Educational issues on the national agenda, state and national initiatives, and/or important developments in areas such as curriculum, instruction, assessment, or technology are also discussed.

ED226 Storytelling 3 Credits

This course will help you develop communications, research, and writing skills through exploration of traditional and contemporary stories. Storytelling can be used with both children and adults to educate, entertain, excite or calm, and to convey important information in a memorable way. You will learn to leverage the power of engaging narrative and effective visuals so you can harness the power of effective storytelling in the digital age. We will focus on the storytelling and technical production of multimedia content for a digital audience.

ED236 Observ & Particip 3 Credits

Prerequisite: ED177 Foundations of Modern Education. This course allows the student to be placed in an internship with competent teachers in areas of special interests. Credit is earned on the basis of time spent in the classroom and work with the supervising teacher and college coordinator. Faculty supervised and coordinated.

ED277 Children's Lit 3 Credits

Would you like the chance to step back into your childhood? This is the course for you! You will explore the different genres of children's literature, ranging from beginning books to chapter books. Even if you do not aspire to teach, this class will open your eyes to the importance of early childhood literacy. You will also learn how to choose literature for a classroom library, gain knowledge of award-winning children's books, and hvae fun with class projects.

ED299 Directed Independent Study 3 Credits

This course is designed for the student who desires to study selected topics in a specific field. The student will investigate a topic that is one not normally investigated in depth in existing courses.

ED300 Intro to Childhood Trauma & Its Effects 3 Credits

In this introductory course, the focus will be on building the student's awareness around trauma, adverse childhood experiences, the impact on brain development, relationships, and learning. Being trauma-aware helps change the way we interact and respond to challenging children and adolescent behaviors. This course is beneficial for anyone who is interested in learning more about how trauma can negatively affect an individual physically, cognitively, socioemotionally, and neurologically. This class is important for teachers, early learning professionals, parents, social workers, and anyone who works with or interacts with children and youth or adults who were impacted by childhood trauma.

ED301 Trauma-Informed Strategies and Practices 3 Credits

The implementation of a trauma-informed approach requires a profound paradigm shift that deepens and unfolds over time. Individuals and organizations move through stages as they strive to meet students' needs and become fully trauma-informed. This course is an overview of how trauma looks in the classroom. Students will acquire foundational skills and will learn how to look beyond the behavior to find and treat the stressor instead of using traditional methods and practices. Students will apply trauma-informed practices to classroom scenarios and case studies as well as their own classrooms to improve discipline policies, student resilience, and educational outcomes.

ED302 The Trauma-Informed Classroom 3 Credits

This course answers the essential question, "What is the trauma-informed classroom?" Students will explore a comprehensive set of components and criteria to help schools create, sustain, and assess trauma-informed classrooms. The rationale, research, and five domains of a trauma-informed classroom are explored in-depth. These domains provide an organizing system of where to start and how to continually create and sustain an effective classroom designed to meet the needs of all students, especially those who have been impacted by trauma.

ED303 Suicide Prevention, Intervention, & Post 3 Credits

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth between the ages of 10 and 19. Because students spend so much time in the school, either in person or virtually, teachers and staff are on the front lines of suicide prevention. In this course, students will explore the basics in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention and beyond, for school personnel. Students will learn how to strengthen protective factors by creating a culture of caring and will also learn to identify risk factors, recognize warning signs, and to know what action to take.

ED304 Special Topics in Trauma-Informed Persp 3 Credits

This course offers an in-depth study of specialized topics and practices in the field of trauma and trauma-informed perspectives. This course will: provide students the opportunity to explore the most current knowledge possible by introducing the latest perspectives, practices, and challenges; and, encourage students to discuss these topics with an eye toward applying them in practice.

ED305 Topics in Trauma-Informed Perspect & Pra 1 Credits

The Trauma-Informed Classroom, and ED303; A culture of Caring, and ED304; The Educator as a Whole Person. This course offers an in-depth study of specialized topics and practices in the field of trauma and trauma-informed perspectives.

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