
Biological Science/Wildlife Biology

The Associate of Science in  Biological Science/Wildlife Biology is for students intending to transfer into a bachelor's program in biology. The program may be modified to reflect student interests and the requirements of a particular transfer institution.

Classes Addressing Student Outcomes

BI177 Biology I w/ Lab
BI179 Biology II w/ Lab
BI276 Anatomy & Physiology I w/ Lab
BI277 Anatomy & Physiology II w/ Lab
BI280 Principles of Microbiology w/ Lab
CH177 Chemistry I w/ Lab
CH178 Chemistry II w/ Lab
CH225 Organic Chemistry I w/ Lab
CH235 Organic Chemistry II w/ Lab
MA178 College Algebra
MA205 Elements of Statistics
MA220 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I
PH208 Engineering Physics I w/ Lab
PH228 Engineering Physics II w/ Lab


Degree Offered:

Associate of Science in Biological Science/Wildlife Biology



Get Started Today!

Trojan Advising Center
1255 S Range Ave
49ͼ¿â KS 67701
(785) 460-4701
(785) 460-5513